Saturday, September 15, 2012


 Men and Women may marry for any number of individual reasons. Basically, however, they seek in marriage three main objectives, 1. A stable, permanent association Based on mutual affection, on love and companionship: 2. the freedom and privilege of a sexual Relationship and 3. the establishment of a home and a family. Love and companionship, sexual intimacy and procreation are, then in our culture at least the main motives for marriage.

 A man and a Woman who love each other, who feel a deep mutual attraction who have many interests, tastes, and ideals in common will after a while want to make their association secure and stable. They will want to live together to share their experiences to be assured of lasting companionship. Further more , they will also want to live together in a physical sense. Love is a mixture of sentiment and sensuality, and the sexual relationship is a fundamental factor in marriage. Where a strong attraction exists there will also be the desire for a close physical intimacy and marriage provides the social, legal and moral sanctions for a sexual relationship.

 The economic factor has played an important role in the evolution of marriage and the family, and it is Still a major factor in marriage today. In every human society, until recently at least man has been The provider and woman the preparer. Economic ability, has generally been regarded as one of The most important social standards of fitness for marriage. In many societies, strength, endurance And the ability to provide for the family are essential marital qualifications.